As a pet owner, there are things to do to make sure you look out for your pet and others in your area. Spaying and neutering your pet is one of the essential and must-do steps that you should take as a responsible pet owner. More precisely, spaying and neutering involve removing your pet’s reproductive organs. Sterilizing your pet benefits the community by preventing the overpopulation on the streets and in the shelters, but will also lead to a healthier, longer life for your pet. If your pet needs to undergo a spaying or neutering, please feel free to contact our team to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions so we can discuss the process together.
What it the difference between spaying and neutering?
Both procedures involve the surgical removal of your pet’s reproductive organs. They have the same results and are essentially the same type of treatment which provide the same results. The only difference between them is that spaying is for female pets while neutering is used for male patients.
How old should pets be before they are spayed or neutered?
At Animal 911 Hospital, we recommend that cats get spayed or neutered at six months old and above after getting all their primary vaccines. On the other hand, we suggest waiting for the growth plates to be closed before spaying or neutering large breed dogs and after the first heat for females. For smaller dogs, we recommend waiting for them to be at least nine months old since they are not growing much more after that age.
Can my older cat or dog be spayed or neutered?
Absolutely! It is a known misconception that older pets can no longer undergo this procedure. In reality, your pet can even be spayed or neutered in his senior years. Although, dogs and cats over the age of 7 years will need to have some tests done before, just to make sure that their organs are able to handle the anesthesia.
What is the spay/neuter procedure?
Surgery is done under general anesthesia. You will have a surgery admission with our surgical technician on the morning of surgery between 8 am and 9 am. Your pet must fast the evening before and the morning of surgery (an empty stomach). Your pet will receive an anti-inflammatory and light sedation is given so that your pet is comfortable and not stressed while they are shaved and prepped for surgery. An IV catheter will be placed to maintain blood pressure throughout the procedure. Once under general anesthesia, a veterinary nurse monitors your pet throughout the entire procedure. Your pet will stay with us for a few hours so that we can monitor them during their recovery and will go home when fully awake the same day.